Worship Information

St. John's welcomes and accepts all, as they are, with open arms. There is a place for your here!

St. John’s is a friendly, comfortable environment with welcoming members located in the Gathering Area and InfoHub to answer your questions.



Holy Communion is celebrated each weekend with wafers and wine or individual pre-packaged communion (cracker and juice). If you worship online and would like communion elements, please stop by the church during business hours to receive blessed communion elements.

At St. John's, we worship in diverse ways that provide vibrant, meaningful, and spiritual experiences to praise God! St. John's uses the Revised Common Lectionary for all worship services. The Lectionary is a four-year cycle of readings. On the weekends from September through May each year the texts follow the sweep of the biblical story, from Creation through the early Christian church. The texts show the breadth and variety of voices within Scripture and invite people to hear the stories of Abraham and Sarah, Moses and the prophets, Jesus, and Paul, listening to the many different voices within Scripture.

St. John’s is a come-as-you-are church. We’re more concerned with meeting your real-life needs than with what you wear. You will find every kind of dress here—coats and ties, business casual, jeans, and shorts. Just be yourself and be comfortable!

The Nursery is staffed during the 10:30 AM worship service on Sundays. Children ages birth-3 years are welcome to spend the worship hour in the Nursery, behind the Information Hub.

Worship Check-in
Whether you worship online or in person, please help us track engagement by checking in to worship.

Fellowship Hour
Between Sunday worship services (9:30-10:30 AM) members, friends, and guests gather in fellowship in the Gathering Area just outside the Worship Center. Coffee, donuts, and refreshments are available along with friendly and welcoming people.

Adult Education Hour
Between Sunday worship services (9:30-10:30 AM) is an opportunity for spiritual growth during the school year. Two options for adults include a deeper dive into the weekend’s scripture lesson or a topical video study.

Children Education Time
JoyZone is offered for children from 3 years old through 5th grade with faith formation and a growth-focused program using Orange Curriculum. Each week will focus on a Bible story and lesson, music, crafts, and games in age-appropriate small- and large-group formats. JoyZone is offered during the school year. Guests and friends are welcome to join any time! During the summer JoyZone does not meet.

Pew Project
During the summer schedule, children have the opportunity to take part in Pew Project activities after the children’s sermon during worship services. Children can grab a bag on the way into worship and do the activity in the pews. The summer schedule is Memorial Day through Labor Day weekends.