Our Team
Staff can be reached by e-mail by clicking on the Pastoral Staff button or by clicking on the Staff name. Phone extension number are listed next to each staff members’ name. Please call (309) 827-6121 and choose the appropriate extension number.
Pastoral Staff
Myron Adams, Facilities, Ext. 229
Dave Bollmann, Adult and Family Ministries, Ext. 226
Shari Buckellew, Business Operations, Ext. 205
Kerri Cordray, Connections, Ext. 223
Gudrun Dunt, Member Care, Ext. 214
Ed Embree, Facilities, Ext. 229
Norma Fagerland, Communications, Ext. 207
Carolyn Kern, Facilities, Ext. 229
Sherri Lewis, Noah’s Ark Preschool, Ext. 241
Lisa Myers, Finance, Ext. 206
Amy Rademacher, Children’s and Junior High Youth, Ext. 225
Fred Render, Facilities, Ext. 229
Walter Stout, Worship Ministries, Ext. 211