December 21/22—God Moves In Peace

Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 24
1 PM—
Traditional style with organ music and hymns
3 PM*—
Contemporary style with band and praise music
*The nursery will be staffed and open for the 3 PM worship service only if enough volunteers are available.
5 PM—
Contemporary style with band and praise music
8 PM—
Traditional style with organ music and hymns


Advent Devotions
Daily devotions will be e-mailed to those who already receive Daily Blessings e-mails. If you don't receive the e-mails and would like to, please contact Norma. Printed copies of the devotional booklet are available on the Resource Counter or can be downloaded here.


Christmas Eve Gift Recipient
YWCA Stepping Stones Project—Visit their website to learn more and to donate.