Congregation Council
Congregation Council is a group that is passionate about leadership and decision-making. This group, along with the Senior Pastor and congregation President, guides the church, directed by the mission and vision of St. John's.
Congregation Council meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Loft (dates subject to change due to holidays). Meetings are open to members of the congregation. Submit agenda items to the Council President at least ten days before the meeting.
Council elections are held in the fall. New members and officers assume the position at the January or February meeting after the Annual Congregation Meeting. The nomination process for election to Council begins in May. Nominate yourself or someone else by contacting the Council President or using the forms below.
2024 Council
David Glesne, Senior Pastor
Dean Brown, President
Mark Scott, Vice President
Tammy Fahling, Treasurer
Jolie Hoffmann, Secretary
Council Members
Steve BeMiller
Randy Holthaus
David Johnson
Connie Moll
Joel Murphy
Carlton Potts
Carla Snell
Contact any council member by e-mail by clicking on their name or send an e-mail to the general council e-mail.
2025 Council
David Glesne, Senior Pastor
Mark Scott, President
Randy Holthaus, Vice President
Tammy Fahling, Treasurer
Jolie Hoffmann, Secretary
Council Members
Jodi Albert
Dean Brown
David Johnson
Joel Murphy
Carlton Potts
Carla Snell
Karyn Therman
Council monthly minutes
For meeting minutes earlier than dates above, please e-mail Shari Buckellew.
St. John’s Constitution and Continuing Resolutions