Ash Wednesday Worship
March 5—12 PM and 6:30 PM
Weekend Worship
Each weekend will focus on different ways to pray—remember, release, repent, return, rely, reflect
Midweek Worship
12 PM and 6:30 PM
Focusing on Adam Hamilton's The Lord's Prayer: The Meaning and Power of the Prayer Jesus Taught. To order a
copy of the book, please visit www.bit.ly/SJ_LentBook25.
Optional meal prior to worship.
Daily Devotional Booklet
Available March 5
Devotions will be e-mailed each morning. Paper copies will be available at the Resource Counter.
Book Study
Adam Hamilton's The Lord's Prayer: The Meaning and Power of the Prayer Jesus Taught is the all-church read for Lent. Get your copy at www.bit.ly/SJ_LentBook25 and come to one of the several options for discussion on Sunday morning or Wednesday evening.
Lent Collection for Oasis (formerly Center For Hope)
We will once again collect paper goods and baby supplies during Lent.
Midweek Meals and Fellowship
Meals will be offered on Wednesdays prior to worship. The afternoon meal will be different soups and the evening meal will be a more substantial meal supplied by individuals and small groups. If you’d like to prepare and serve a meal, visit www.bit.ly/STJ_MealtimeHost.